These stories submitted by HubShout1 will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Local listings are a factor in rankings. After claiming your Google+ listing, you have more work to do. Way more. You have to make sure you're listing on every important listing site (currently more than 50) is 100% correct and up-to-date. One little snafu can throw everything off. Christian Ward f Read More
Prior to the first Google Algorithm update, every SEO did things that were "iffy." The rules were vague and there was little chance of penalty, so why not? When the penalties started rolling in 2012, the jig was up. It was a scary time because everyone was vulnerable.

Now, after having lived thr Read More
In every relationship between Google and online marketers, Google holds all the power. There's nothing you can do about that. If you try to circumvent the rules, Google will break up with you--not the outcome you really want at all. Google is not interested in relationship building with you. Don't Read More
Well, well, well. Is Google holding back even more information from online marketers? First we were hit with "keyword not provided" and now Google Alerts appears to be fading. What is going on with Google Alerts? Danny Sullivan, the author of this article and an SEO authority, thinks something's up Read More
When Google released those infamous updates (you know the ones -- Panda and Penguin) anchor text SEO became a hotly debated topic. Some say keep on doing it. It's fine! Others say it will only get you into trouble. Some blog sites even started removing anchor text links from previously published gu Read More

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