These stories submitted by Nickstamoulis will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Internet marketers sometimes think the more content, the better off they will be. They think that they need to pump it out by writing multiple blog posts and articles a day and then promote them in social media by tweeting and posting links to Facebook 50 times a day and sending out an email newsle Read More
Social bookmarking sites allow users to submit, organize and store links to favorite pages they find useful, interesting or entertaining. Other users can often “vote” on these bookmarks; the more people that find them interesting, the higher the bookmark ranks on the homepage of the social bookmark Read More
One of the most important assets a company has is its online reputation. Your online reputation effects how customers view your company and brand, how much search engines “trust” your website and whether or not your company will be able to survive any negative attention. Monitoring what people are Read More
Ten years ago if a company wanted consumer insight they’d set up a focus group and provide some incentive for a small group of people to sit in a room for a few hours and answer questions about a product, service, or brand. Along with surveys, it was one of the only ways to find out what actual cus Read More
Nick Stamoulis (781-999-1222 ) has several tips for site owners looking for great blogs to comment on to help with their link building. Blog research may be the hardest and most time consuming step of blog commenting, but it is important that site owners find good indu Read More
On more than one occasion I have come across a marketing blog post claiming that businesses should just do away with their company sites and turn their social networking profiles into final destination of all their website marketing efforts. For the record, I 100% disagree with this (and it’s not j Read More
On more than one occasion I have come across a marketing blog post claiming that businesses should just do away with their company sites and turn their social networking profiles into final destination of all their website marketing efforts. For the record, I 100% disagree with this (and it’s not j Read More
A business can thrive or fail depending on their search engine and online presence. Since many companies simply don’t have the knowledge or time to dedicate to SEO, they decide to hire an SEO agency. This is a smart decision, but unfortunately in many cases it’s followed up by a dumb decision. They Read More
After optimizing your site for both visitors and the search engines (visitors first!), you have to create a diverse portfolio of one-way, incoming links to your site to help drive targeted traffic through. That’s where link building comes in. It may seem like a relatively simple process, but it is Read More
SEO is a form of online marketing and displaying at a trade show is considered offline marketing, so how the heck do you get any SEO benefit out of a trade show? Easy. It’s important to always have SEO on the brain when launching any marketing initiative, including offline marketing. The best SEO l Read More

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