These stories submitted by Bloggertone will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Each country will have a set of unique factors There is no tried and tested formula to successfully entering new markets and building an international footprint. Read More
A partnering strategy can work side-by-side with your direct strategy. You can define how partnerships can work to feed your direct sales team, partners who will take full business responsibility in their market to sell and implement your product or partners who will OEM or licence your product or technology to improve their product set. Read More
According to research, the retention rate as a result of Training lies at about 20% — depending on which sources you check. If followed by Coaching, the retention increases dramatically to over 80%. This pretty much follows the Pareto Principal. It is also claimed that Coaching can increase ROI to 6-1. Read More
Another interesting outcome is that blog posts now have a much longer lifespan. In 2007, only 6% of total engagement happened after the day of posting , while in 2008 it was up to 17%. This year it has more than doubled with a full 36% of engagement happening after day one. Read More
Every time something changes, something starts — and something else comes to an end. Think about your life so far: birth, school, work, redundancy, marriage, relocation, separation. Each time you encountered one of life's inevitable changes, something began while something else ended. Read More
Most businesses would like to develop their markets and embrace the opportunity of developing internationally— but very few actually do anything about going global. Part of the reason behind this lethargy is a lack of knowledge about their international market opportunities. Some in-house international market research can provide you with the kn Read More
When I talk with business-owners who've been slow to set about building their brand, I find their reluctance often comes down to a belief that brand-building is an expensive business. Of course, the big brands often spend a lot of money on creating their brands and even more telling the world about them but building your brand doesn't need to cost Read More

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