As the economy continues to struggle and America tries to reclaim its place in the global economic and financial markets, small business once again is left holding the proverbial bag...
-Article on small business by Baltimore Sun op-ed from Bob Paff, Communications Expert & Motivational Speaker...

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Written by businessavante
4634 days ago

Hi David.

This is why I ended-up protecting my tweets. I discovered someone had staged a 'redirect' - a 'person' later became a marijuana site. I had been really careful in allowing follows, too - I was so mortified that I checked everyone's stream, deleting those who followed nudnicks - even if they themself were well-known & considered reputable. Why? Because my picture & name are hovering over everything that shows up on my Twitter page.


Written by businessavante
4633 days ago

I should've posted this comment on Garrett Moon's "Today Made" article: "The Most Important Asset in Your Business".

Written by businessavante
4633 days ago

You're exactly right! I goofed up. I slept on an article from the same day about our word being the most important thing. When I got up, I'd remembered it as this new post, and added the comment w/o re-reading the article. It's definitely a non-sequitur.

Written by Stingraybiz
4633 days ago

Hi Duncan, not quite following you. I understand your your rationale for protecting your tweets, but I'm not sure what it has to do with the posted article.

Written by HeatherStone
4634 days ago


A great post about the small business community's need for introspection and reevaluation of goals, the need for strengthening that community to face the hard economy, and about being honest with oneself as an entrepreneur or business owner. Lots of food for thought!

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