Carenk voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The 2016 Brandz Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands report offers important branding lessons for startups and small business. Here are 7 key take-aways from the BrandZ 2016 report (and the important lessons for small businesses and startups). Read More
You've probably heard the terms "lean" and "agile" when it comes to startups, and perhaps even in connection with marketing. But there's another important concept that many marketers forget: marketing velocity. Here's how marketing velocity can help your team succeed.
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You’ve got a solid marketing team. You’re working with talented designers. So why aren’t your campaigns yielding the results you want? The answer might be that traditional planning models in our field tend to quash creativity. Read More

13 Ways Your Brand Can Get in the Holiday Spirit

13 Ways Your Brand Can Get in the Holiday Spirit  - Avatar Posted by RossKimbarovsky under Marketing
From 2757 days ago
Made Hot by: fusionswim on November 17, 2016 10:25 am
There are more than 25 major religious holidays between November and mid-January every year. Regardless of locale, ’tis the season to make merry, and there’s no reason your brand should be left out of the festivities. How can you join in? Read More
We often say that good design helps your business stand out. This is backed by research that has proven the influence that visual appearance has on the decision-making process of customers. Here's a terrific post about how you can improve design and help your marketing campaigns succeed. Read More
We’ve never experienced a U.S. presidential race like the one we’re living through today. To say that this election is unprecedented is an understatement. But the debates do offer important lessons for business owners. Read More
Today, more than 1/3 of Americans say that they have listened to podcasts at some point in their lives, while 25% say they have listened to a podcast in the last month. This indicates truly explosive growth in the medium — a 75% increase since 2013. Talk about a MASSIVE audience. Read More

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