Airabongco voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Are you a socialist-type manager? Here are some ways on how you can manage your team in a more effective way. Here are 5 useful tips.
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Plumbing is important in any business. This is because every business has a bathroom or a faucet that needs some form of maintenance. Here are some things that business owners should consider in this area. Read More
Does your business have a plumbing maintenance plan? You should. After all, you will never know when things will suddenly go wrong. Here is how you can have such a plan. Read More
Have a lot of inventory to keep track of? It can get out of hand. Here is how you can minimize storage without sacrificing profits. Read More
As a business owner, you should make it a habit to track the history of the industry. You can learn a lot from it. Here is a review of the latest mergers and acquisitions in today's history. Read More
Is your business insured? You should have insurance to keep your business safe in the most unlikely of instances. Here are some insurances that you should consider having, Read More
Looking for an ecommerce platform? Most people prefer Magento. Here are the reasons why people are choosing it over other platforms. Read More

When Logos Go Bad: How to Avoid Designing a Dud

When Logos Go Bad: How to Avoid Designing a Dud - Avatar Posted by airabongco under Advertising
From 3124 days ago
Made Hot by: mikehartman1 on November 17, 2015 10:49 am
Designing a logo for your business? Here are some tips on how to avoid the design rut. After all, your logo will be representing your company. So it has to be good. Read More
Looking for a collaboration tool for your business? Try Sharepoint. Small business owners found how effective it is when it comes to managing teams and collaborating with team members. Read More
Launching some new products before the year ends? There are some methods that you can use to launch that new line. Here are some of the best ones. Read More

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