Lyceum submitted the following stories to BizSugar

I will continue to produce EGO podcasts on BlogTalkRadio on a regular basis. My goal is to publish a show once a week, but I have to start out with a show once a month and then every fortnight. It will take some time to build up a pool of potential guests and to schedule interviews with them. Read More
Here is a compilation of the 100 best small business podcasts. Which podcast have I missed? Please add your favorites in the comments section. Read More
What will happen with the .ly domains in the future? This is a time to reflect on where you have your online business and potential consequences of the location due to world politics. Read More
It’s not every keynote at Congress that begins with a quote from an obscure speech from a cult postmodernist thinker, but this is how Twitter CEO Dick Costolo began his address in Barcelona last week. He went on to reference everyone from the Rwandan president Paul Kagame to Christiano Ronaldo to C Read More
Today are millions people using online calenders to synchronize our twenty-four hours, even if we have digital support we cannot get enough hours to manage our life. Wouldn’t it be great if Google Calender could offer increased life quality, more hours and make millions at the same time? Read More
Guest post by Kenji Crosland, a writer for TeachStreet. When I started out as an entrepreneur about a year ago my greatest fear was that my idea would be stolen and developed by someone else. My reasoning was that there were other people with more resources and greater technical skills who could de Read More
Guest blog post by Brett Owens. How does our current recession (or more likely, soft depression) compare with the Great Depression? For an excellent account of the United States' last go-round with economic collapse, I'd highly recommend The Great Depression: A Diary by Benjamin Roth. Read More
As one of the moderators at this site, I can relate to the following video clip from episode four of the comedy series, Moderation Town. The clip is featuring social media expert, Amber Mac. I recommend you to read her book, Power Friending: Demystifying Social Media to Grow Your Business. Read More
About three years ago, I got tricked by a site called Quechup. And now it has happened again... This time the site is called ShoppyBag. I hope that I haven't "forwarded" any spam to your inbox... How do you protect yourself against this kind of spam? Read More

Tech Trends

Tech Trends  - Avatar Posted by lyceum under Technology
From 4897 days ago
What kind of technology trends do you think will be leading this year? I think that we will see more and more applications for people on the go, and the digital consumption will be catered and personalized to the user of the mobile device. The iPad and other computer tablets have changed the readin Read More

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