CindyKing submitted the following stories to BizSugar

7 Ways to Overcome the Social Media Time Sink

7 Ways to Overcome the Social Media Time Sink - Avatar Posted by CindyKing under Social Media
From 5337 days ago
Made Hot by: robertbrady on October 22, 2009 6:58 pm
How businesses can avoid wasting time on social media by setting social media objectives and the right social media marketing strategy. Read More
In cross-cultural business encounters trust can become extremely personal. People will notice when you do not trust yourself at this very basic level. Read more about why it is important to trust yourself first. Read More
Cindy King is a contributor (together with Mari Smith, Jason Falls, Chris Garrett, Denise Wakeman, Casey Hibbard and Michael Stelzner) on the new online magazine with content-rich articles and videos designed to help businesses discover how to best use social media tools like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Read More
The vision people have of your company needs to be coherent. An international sales person can concentrate so much on building his personal relationship across cultures, that he loses the global picture his international client has of his company. International clients notice the confidence the international sales person has in his own company. Read More
The self-confidence you need to deal with cultural differences is something most people acquire through international experience. A lack of self-confidence can quickly lead to awkwardness and aggression. This is why it is important to build a quiet self-confidence to build trust in cross-cultural communication. Read More
There are no real guidelines on what information to share with international clients when cross-cultural differences make communication difficult. The best advice advice is simply to be aware of the cultural intricacies that may be involved. You will need to discover what information you need to share to avoid any misinterpretations. Read More
Cross-cultural encounters without hidden agendas are much easier than with them. In a business environment, the best way to avoid hidden agendas is to get focused on the task at hand and find the reason for the connection in the first place. Read More
Clarity does help to avoid the wrong assumptions that can lead to the perception of a lack of honesty and trust, but clarity is also a basic skillin communication . Any extra effort you make in improving the clarity of your communication will help you improve communication across a wide variety of potential cultural blunders. Read More
To become aware of how your international clients see you, you need to change your viewpoint and try to see yourself as they do. As you become aware of how other cultures see you, you will be able to look for ways to improve your communication and have better control in avoiding wrong assumptions that effect how others perceive you. Read More
We all usually feel fairly comfortable with our communication skills and we don't always question the level of respect we show others. To successfully acquire strong international skills we need to spend some time learning more about respect. Read More

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