These stories submitted by Webdev1 became hot on BizSugar

As you promote your growing business via the business website, mobile devices, email marketing campaigns and social media, you need to ask yourself – are your digital marketing efforts truly effective?

In other words -

Are you able to customize promotional messages as per customer interes Read More
Most people imagine workers sitting at their desks, imagining lounging on an exotic beach somewhere. We don’t really imagine the opposite–vacationers dreaming of being in the office. As small businesses put in longer hours, the need to occasionally get away is greater than ever. But a new study sho Read More
When The Office debuted in 2005, the American workplace was still a sea of cubicles, with workers typing away on keyboards connected to tower-style desktop PCs. In the eight years that followed, the workforce shifted dramatically, trending toward tablets and smartphones–which didn’t yet exist in 20 Read More
We all know that old saying about pictures. They’re worth a lot. But for some reason, a lot of business websites don’t have images that illustrate the business and further the brand. It’s ridiculous! Get some nice images up there! Pictures of someone using your product, or at least screenshots of y Read More

Integrated Payments: Why Your Business Needs It

Integrated Payments: Why Your Business Needs It - Avatar Posted by Webdev1 under Technology
From 4024 days ago
Made Hot by: SimplySmallBiz on June 1, 2013 12:01 pm
If you’re reading this, you are probably wondering what “integrated payments” means in this context. The term is used to express the integration of different payment solutions into one single payment portal that would manage all purchases, whether from a mobile phone, a payment terminal at your poi Read More
While you’re probably worried about the future and are constantly trying to make your business a more customer-friendly environment, there are a couple of things you need to know about mobile devices. Smartphones and tablets have been penetrating the workplace for a while already. They’ve made cond Read More
Swerve Driving School had a problem. The driving school with locations in California and Washington was growing quickly. With so many projects, Swerve staff needed a way to easily manage multiple projects and collaborate without sitting around a conference table for hours each day.

Enter Liquid Read More
With more people using the internet to do their taxes, there is an increase in the potential damage that can result in the event of being hacked by cyber criminals. A lot of personal and financial information is shared online during tax season, so everyone needs to be on high alert. Read More
Even if you’re not enthusiastic about the whole “save our planet” business, you’d probably be interested in saving some money. Considering that lighting and air conditioning are two expenses you have complete control over, you might want to begin cutting costs in that department.

Approximately 3 Read More
Small businesses typically tend to have more lasting and intimate relationship with their customers. But who is really an engaged customer? Is it someone -

(a) who will continue to buy from you in the near future

(b) who would recommend your business to a friend or

(c) who might feel a sen Read More

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